Dec 31, 2015

    • Change: Removed API Key from My Account Screen
    • Change: Changed Zapier menu item in Settings to “Integrations”
    • Enhancement:  Added IDX Broker API Key field and Auto Fetch options  into Integrations settings.
    • The IDX Broker integration allows you to automatically import your “Featured Property” information available from IDX Broker.  Basic information like MLS #, Price, Basic Features (Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Garage, etc) with photos.

Dec 30, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added a new property status:  “Potential”  to allow you to enter property information for contacts that you might be able to list in the future.
    • Change: When Adding a new property the status will now default to “Pre-Listing” instead of “Active”.
    • Fix: Corrected Frozen scroll bar issue in People Tab of Properties and Transactions.
    • Fix: Corrected navigation using Tab and Shift+Tab of the people tab.

Dec 29, 2015

    • Fix: Google Sync issue for activities created from workflows with dependent activities.

Dec 24, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected Scroll bar issue preventing access to the [Save] button on the Action Screen.
    • Fix: Corrected issue which caused small images to get stretched in Dashboard/Radar Notes
    • Added: Craigslist icon for URL field.

Dec 23, 2015

    • Change: UI field label “Closes” changed to “Closing Date” in Transactions
    • Change: UI field label “Expires” changed to “Expiration Date” in Properties
    • Fix: Corrected Scrollbar issue for the following screens:
      Contact/Property/Escrow filter – Scrolls the result instantaneously then the scroll bar disappears
      Workflow Create/Edit screen
      Activity Create/Edit screen
      Activity > Create/Edit Action screen
      Dashboard > Activity > Tag
      Contact > Assign Tags
    • Fix: Corrected Open Email link to display in new Browser Tab.

Dec 22, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Facebook URL and Craigslist URL in Property Connections List
    • Fixed: Corrected UI issue for editing an ACTION on an Activity (3 of 3) – the scroll bar is not allowing me to go down further to click [Save]
    • Fixed: Added “Are You Sure” prompt before doing an UNDO on CSV Imports to prevent user from removing data by accident.

Dec 21, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Google Sync checkbox option to individual Activities and workflow Activities to allow user the option of not syncing to Google.  (Default is ON)
    • Fix: Add “System Group: My Contacts” tag when new contact is added form Seller Report and “System Group: My Contacts” option is turned ON.
    • Fix: Corrected Google Sync issue related to Contact / Property / Transaction getting removed from activity after sync.
    • Fix: Corrected UI issue “Undefined” with events on Calendar popup.

Dec 17, 2015

    • Fix: Changed mouse scrolling settings to allow for a smoother scroll on lists (Site Wide)
    • Fix: Changed mouse scrolling on Time Picker and Task Type Drop-downs
    • Fix: Corrected issue of assigning new contact to “System Group: My Contacts” as needed when adding from the people tab of Property / Transaction, Referrer or Relationship fields.
    • Fix: Solr index issue preventing access in list pane on New transactions created when Property is changed from Active to Pending.

Dec 16, 2015

    • Enhancement: Increased speed and reliability of Thumbnail Generation.

Dec 14, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added features to increase speed of notes access.
    • Fix: Corrected issue related to manual entry of a date instead of picking from the calendar when starting a workflow.
    • Fix: Corrected display issue on tasks connected to contacts that were imported with no first name.

Dec 14, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added contact merge fields:  ReferredBy, Source, SourceURL
    • Enhancement: Added new party members: Termite Inspector, Escrow Officer, Sellers Title, Seller Agent 3/4, Office Manager
    • Enhancement: Added new transaction dates: Seller Referral Date, Buyer Referral Date, Financial Commitment Date, Seller Settlement Date, Buyer Settlement Date, Title Signing Date.
    • Enhancement: Added new property dates: Listing Appointment Date / Time
    • Enhancement: Added new date field for Day of week  [[CurrentDay-DOW]] – Sunday, Monday… Saturday
    • Enhancement: Performance Improvements related to dashboard to stabilize production.
    • Changed: Allow 3 decimal places in the property acreage field.
    • Fix: UI Fix  for Contact Heat Graph to correct placement of ‘Aware’

Dec 11, 2015

    • Enhancement: Tag View All – optimized for speed and memory to handle large list of contacts
    • Enhancement: Mass Delete – Optimized for speed.
    • Enhancement: Import – Optimized caching process to perform faster.
    • Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problems in Contacts when immediately resetting a filter.
    • Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problems in Property Tab of Transactions after adding the linked Property
    • Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problem on People tab of Property and Transaction when a party member is added by name.  The SAVE button was not accessible.
    • Fix: Scroll-bar: Corrected disappearing problem on Seller Report tab when searching Contact.
    • Fix: Corrected downgrade option – problem was caused by file size issue.

Dec 09, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected activities which were marked as completed from coming back due again.

Dec 08, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected font issue in Settings screen.
    • Fix: Corrected Task list sync issue when user had multiple lists available.

Dec 04, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added ‘Support’ button to the footer of to chat with support.
    • Enhancement: Added ‘Support’ button to the footer of Realvolve App to chat with support.
    • Change: Notes Merge field to exclude email messages.
    • Fix: Security Issue for Acreage field.

Dec 03, 2015

    • Enhancement: Email Notification of Google Sync token expiration.
    • Enhancement: Prevent Google Sync when token is expired.
    • Enhancement: Increased inactivity timeout to 3 hours – which then requires users to enter login credentials again.
    • Fix: Corrected transaction merge fields for geo state and sign at close.
    • Fix: Corrected Google calendar sync issues when activity uses recurrence.

Dec 01, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected download flag setting when copying workflows and templates.  This issue caused items to not show when creating workflow packages.
    • Change: Limited the note content to display up to 15000 characters to prevent timeout.

Nov 27, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added subdivision to import mapping list.
    • Change: Acreage field will now allow comma and decimal
    • Fix: Corrected UI issue with Contact Heat Graph for different resolutions including iPad

Nov 25, 2015

    • Enhancement: Improved Import to process indexing faster.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with assigning record owner when importing notes.
    • Fix: Corrected Google Sync tag/group issue when changing/deleting tags in Realvolve.
    • Fix: Added Support on dashboard to handle iPad display.

Nov 18, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected memory issue when importing large numbers of contacts to prevent import error.
    • Fix: Corrected formatting issue on price field when importing with $
    • Fix: Corrected issue on import when dealing with large future dates.
    • Fix: Corrected import problem when uploaded filename contains special characters.
    • Fix: Corrected default record owner for spouse entry when using alternate user as record owner.

Nov 16, 2015

    • Change: Google sync will no longer soft-delete (Put in trash) a contact in Realvolve when deleted from Google – it will assign a tag of “Deleted from Google” so user can delete manually based on tags.  This will prevent users from accidentally removing contacts from Realvolve.Pausing soft deletion of contact in Realvolve due to G.Sync will give us insights and hints about any data loss issue happening due to Google Sync. And we might have less or no cases of data loss like Jeff had, after pausing this paused code. This will also give us insights about what is happening in Users google account when any contact in RV is tagged as ‘Deleted from Google’ and then we can ask user’s to give us more insights about their Google accounts if they have been in sync with other software or integrations or tools or services. Thus, its prudent to push this and monitor for next few weeks.
    • Fix: Corrected pre-rendering issue when updating Contact/Property/Transactions which did not update list view correctly.
    • Fix: Corrected display issue of group description – was not fitting correctly in the field – Added info icon
    • Fix: Corrected font size issue in search field.
    • Fix: Corrected Auto-Save feature on import mapping when user did not have any existing mappings.

Nov 10, 2015

    • Fix: Preventing orphaned activities from showing  up in list pane – some activities were being shown in list which should not because they were deleted from database.
    • Fix: Corrected indexing issue on WebSolr which caused login issues for some users.

Nov 05, 2015

    • Enhancement: Optimized google sync for handling tags/groups better.
    • Enhancement: Added feature to sort Ascending/Descending on all sort fields.
    • Fix: Corrected issue on recomputing incomplete workflow activities.
    • Fix: Corrected issue on CSV Export

Nov 04, 2015

    • Enhancement: Show timer when creating activity to prevent the perception of being stuck.
    • Fix: Corrected attachment deletion Issue (Flickering)
    • Fix: Remove < br >  tags from tweet messages when completing an activity – caused display issues.

Nov 03, 2015

    • Enhancement: Show Confirmation dialog box before deleting Contacts, Properties, Transactions from the list view.
    • Enhancement: Added MLS number to property Search
    • Fix: Corrected redirect issue when editing a calendar item from the contact/property/escrow(calendar) to return back to the correct location they started from.
    • Fix: Corrected tasks due on same day to NOT have past due until next day.

Oct 28, 2015

    • Change: From this point forward emails will be sent using user’s email id instead of via Realvolve for all non yahoo email ids. Yahoo email ids will continue to have via Realvolve for now. Note: This change in From email ids for all non yahoo users has potential to fail for email ids or domains that are blocked which we will need to whitelist one by one based the issues reported by users.

Oct 28, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue with starting workflows with a very large number of tasks.
    • Change: Added confirmation popup to prevent Activities from being deleted from Google when reinstating google sync.

Oct 23, 2015

    • Fix: Prevent contact from being selected when typing in the People tab to add a contact and the user presses TAB key.

Oct 16, 2015

    • Fix: Show selected contact on seller report tab of a property and link for quick access.  If no contact selected then show record owner without link.

Oct 15, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added a Reauthorization feature for Google and Evernote – to help users reauthorize and update their integration tokens without disconnecting and reconnecting which led to issues like duplicates and missing links.
    • Fix: Corrected Search on Party Members in the People tab based on record ownership.  The system was only allowing the contacts for the primary record owner to be viewed.

Oct 14, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow Admin users to access team details in settings > my account
    • Fix: Corrected issue for Assignee of activity when sending emails, sms and twitter messages.  Copied workflow actions were not getting completed by the correct person when copied.
    • Fix: Several workflow related issues including recalculation failure, no date entered, current year recalculation, circular recalculations.
    • Fix: Backfill of transaction dates.
    • Fix: Corrected indexing of Relationship Anniversary Date to allow proper search.

Oct 09, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue preventing the data for merge field [[Property#Mls_Url]] from working correctly.

Oct 08, 2015

    • Enhancement: Speed improvements on Propinquity scoring.
    • Fix: Notifications on radar when sending SMS fails.
    • Fix: Duplication issue on Ambassador URL preventing new user logins.

Oct 07, 2015

    • Enhancement: Upgraded servers for improved performance and reliability.

Oct 01, 2015

    • Enhancement: Send email to the user when workflow package is approved.
    • Enhancement: Improved code to increase performance for Emails.
    • Fix: sentry error when Signature template is deleted or its body is nil.
    • Fix: ‘mark email read’ issue when navigating from email preview pane.
    • Fix: Open default radar tab for Realvolve contact. When moving from a normal contact last open tab ‘Email’ to RV contact – UI does not show email tab on that contact.

Sep 25, 2015

    • Enhancement: Email Tab Added to Contacts
    • Enhancement: Settings > Emails – allows user to assign an email account to realvolve.
    • Enhancement: Added database indexes for contact for additional search features.
    • Enhancement: Added merge field for Property and Transaction notes
    • Enhancement: phone number display – # Based on the person type – company or person we fetch phone numbers work or home respectively. # If no numbers fetch based on person type check alternate home or work. # If no numbers in work or home, lookup additional numbers and select a recently added pair of additional mobile and additional phone
    • Fix: Issue with Domestic Relationship feature.
    • Fix: rent / own drop down option
    • Removed: News Section in lower right

Sep 24, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added New Dashboard with Widgets
    • Fix: Corrected issue causing Groups to not be selected correctly when starting workflows.

Sep 18, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added option to Settings > Email to automatically add Signature to outbound emails.
    • Enhancement: Added prompt to confirm workflow activity deletion.
    • Enhancement: Added community field to property.
    • Fix: Workflow activity calculations when back dating workflows so they start in a previous year.

Sep 16, 2015

    • Enhancement:  Added Skip / Remove Duplicate Data when merging records.
    • Change:  removed the ‘no-reply’ and changed it to ‘reply-to+(user name)’ to be a friendly solution.

Sep 10, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue on invalid tag filters.
    • Fix: Mass deletion of Activities when there are more than 1500 being removed.

Sep 07, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added more Property and Transaction fields
    • Enhancement: Sort documents in Files tab by reverse date order (Newest on Top, Oldest on Bottom)
    • Enhancement: Added street name to merge fields – previously only had full address.
    • Enhancement: Added links to Property/Transaction for quick access to connected records.
    • Fix: Automatically change Transaction Status to ‘Cancel’ if we create a new transaction from a connected property by changing its status from Active to Pending. (Cleanup Process)

Aug 28, 2015

    • Added SMS feature for Great Britain

Aug 25, 2015

    • Added more Merge fields for Transactions

Aug 19, 2015

    • Enhancement: Performance Improvements to entire system
    • Fix: Image upload fix for Transactions
    • Fix: Date filters popup issue when clicking outside the window.
    • Fix: SMS character length issue to allow merge fields.
    • Fix: Import issue on dates prior to 1900

Aug 17, 2015

    • Fix:  Corrected Import for Top Producer files containing notes with dates before 1900.

Aug 10, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow SMS text messages to be longer than allowed length to compensate for long merge field names.
    • Fix: Corrected image upload issue for Transactions.
    • Fix: Corrected date filter display issue when clicking outside the popup date selector.

Jul 24, 2015

    • Fix:  Corrected import for Contact Source field.

Jul 20, 2015

    • Fix:  Corrected Google Sync issue causing ‘Mobile’ to be converted to ‘Home Mobile’

Jul 15, 2015

    • Enhancement:  Additional Contact fields in preparation of upcoming Dashboard feature. (Rent/Own, Stage, Contact Status, Known Since, Lifetime Value, Contact Score, Year Moved, Sex (M/F))
    • Enhancement:  Seller Report tab on contacts to allow information on NON-LISTED properties.
    • Enhancement:  Relationship choices added:  Single, Divorced, Separated
    • Enhancement:  Relationship changes handled automatically – when contacts change from Married to Divorced or Widowed, the secondary contact record is updated also.
    • Performance:  Changed how message templates are loaded to increase performance.
    • Fix: Cropping issue on Transaction Photos.


Jul 07, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Tags to Google and CSV Export.
    • Enhancement: Added Ambassador Referral System.
    • Enhancement: Added Browser Support Screen for Incompatible Browsers.
    • Enhancement: Added Zipcode Lookup API to Find Unknown Zipcodes.
    • Fix: Miscellaneous User Interface Fixes.

Jul 02, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added link to easily disable daily notifications.
    • Enhancement: Added workflow name to activity lists.
    • Fix: Corrected merge field for Client Services.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with workflow wizard screen.
    • Fix: Corrected time zone issue on workflow activities using immediate actions.

Jun 25, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added link to Daily Email to direct users to login screen to turn off.
    • Fix: Corrected workflow issue caused by a date/time value selected when only date was needed.

Jun 22, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Buyer Reports tab to Transactions which functions similar to Seller Reports.
    • Enhancement: Workflow Import modifications to allow deeper migration for Advantage Xi users.
    • Enhancement: Additional Party Members Added to Transactions:  Paralegal renamed to Buyer Attorney Paralegal, Seller Attorney Paralegal, Inside Sales Associate, Tenant 2, Auction Representative
    • Enhancement: Additional Party Members Added to Properties: Inside Sales Associate, Tenant 2, Auction Representative.
    • Change:  Activity Type: ‘Lunch’ has been renamed to ‘Meal’ so it could be used at any time of the day.

Jun 19, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added contact search to include email addresses.
    • Notifications: Added user notifications about the disabled Facebook and LinkedIn message feature.
    • Change:  Changed the default time for daily notifications which had no value to 8am.

Jun 18, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected Google Sync issue when deleting sub-user.
    • Enhancement: Added error handling and user notification to Evernote integration.
    • Fix: Corrected errors which happened during automatic activities.
    • Fix: Corrected time-zone issue for Daily Notification emails.
    • Fix: Corrected time-zone issue on radar activities.

Jun 17, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow users to select party members while sending emails from Property and transaction email link.
    • Enhancement: Emails sent from Realvolve now include the user’s email in the ‘Reply-To’ meta tag.
    • Change: Disabled Facebook API validations for Facebook URL field.
    • Change: Added notification to user that Facebook and LinkedIn feed being unavailable.
    • Change: Added ‘Realvolve’ to  the subject of daily notification emails to prevent spam issues.
    • Optimization: Improved contact deletion procedures to better handle errors and exceptions to prevent orphaned activities.
    • Optimization: Improvements to user experience (UX) and validation of Daily Notification Emails.
    • Fix: Corrected issue on Workflow popup window.
    • Fix: Corrected user reported issue on property and transaction emails where the template subject was being overwritten with basic address.

Jun 13, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added lockbox location field below lockbox number in showings tab of property.
    • Optimization: Additional optimization changes to improve performance for Sidekiq jobs.
    • Fix: Set a default timezone on registration if no timezone identified for user.  System will send a reminder email to user to set the correct time zone for their location.

Jun 11, 2015

    • Fix: Removed the internal “Deletion Flag” which is no longer needed – This will ensure that records are visible in the trash once it is deleted.  A problem existed that allowed data to be orphaned.
    • Fix: Correction to Transaction screen which caused problems when there was a delay in creating transaction dates.
    • Fix: Corrected ‘flicker’ when hoovering over filter links.
    • Fix: Corrected transaction saving issue when transaction dates were updated.

Jun 10, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added the ability to have multiple record owners in Contacts, Properties and Transactions.
    • Enhancement: Additional sorting options using a drop down menu.
    • Enhancement: Added Sorted fields to View All screen (Category, Entry Date, Last Call Date)
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to sort Ascending and Descending to fields of View All Screen.
    • Fix: Corrected export issue dealing with combining couples.

Jun 09, 2015

    • Optimization: Additional Solr indexing changes to boost performance.
    • Enhancement: Reduced opacity of all un-selected filters so that selected filters are more prominent and visible.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with sorting MLS field in Property.
    • Fix: Corrected display issue of positive quotes on daily reminder emails when viewed in mobile device.
    • Fix: Corrected contact count display which was getting set incorrectly when deleting activities from a contact.
    • Fix: Corrected security issue preventing sub users with admin rights from using the [Delete Selected] button.

Jun 08, 2015

    • Optimization:  Added new Solr Indexing refinements to boost performance.
    • Optimization:  Scaled up Sidekiq processes from 3 to 4 to boost performance.  This provides more power and performance in background jobs for features like imports, Google sync, bulk deletes, etc.

Jun 04, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Realvolve Dropbox Email Address merge field to all party members. This allows others to send email to you which automatically gets placed in the Party Member’s contact record.
    • Fix: Corrected Time Zone issue when starting a workflow in the evening hours. Dates were being calculated incorrectly due to Time Zone settings.

Jun 03, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue with editing activities containing specific contacts in the “with” field that are later deleted.

Jun 02, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added the ability to enter additional emails addresses when running actions on completed activities.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to select which email address is used on contacts with more than one email.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with activity popover box when completing an activity with checklists on larger screens.

May 30, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added several new connection fields to Contacts / Properties / Transactions
      • Dropbox
      • Google Drive
      • Email Folder
      • Animoto
      • Instagram
      • Savvycard
    • Enhancement: Improved indexing for quicker google sync and import process.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to add additional connections by user.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to Reassign “assign to” field for selected tasks in Activities View All screen.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to Search / Replace “assign to” field in workflow setup screen.

May 27, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added new property types:
      • Co-Op
      • Condominium
    • Enhancement: Added option in settings to handle Canadian address format of direction “123 Main Street S” instead of “123 S Main Street”.
    • Enhancement: Added “Pre-Listing” status to properties.
    • Fix: Corrected issue that caused a new group to be created when trying to rename an existing group.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with starting a workflow from the view all screen reported by user.

May 20, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added the ability to have MULTIPLE contacts in the WITH field for “A Specific contact”.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to select TAGS for contacts in the WITH field – This allows a user to select a TAG like “Local Agents” which could be emailed to when a new listing is submitted.
    • Enhancement: Changes to the Activities filter to use checkboxes instead of highlighting to be consistant with other areas of the system.
    • Fix: Corrected Google Sync issue which removed the Custom labels – Custom labels on phone, emails are now retained. When user moves the mouse over the phone/email icon of a contact record a popup will display the Google Custom Label.
    • Fix: Corrected Zapier Import issue caused by extremely large contact names – normally caused by incorrect mapping of email parser.
    • Fix: Corrected zipcode lookup issue when using ZIP+4 format.

May 13, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added support for large file uploads in Contact, Property, Transaction and Documents.
    • Enhancement: Added a sort option to the Settings > Trash. User can sort trash by Name or Date Trashed.
    • Enhancement: Additional Security measures added to prevent (DOS) Denial of Service attacks.
    • Enhancement: Added Daily Email Notifications Feature. Settings > Emails now has an option to turn ON/OFF Daily Notifications of your Important Dates, Birthdays, Appointments, Tasks, Uncompleted activities from the past day.
    • Enhancement: Added internal indexing of Templates for more accurate display.
    • Enhancement: Added the [Edit] button to all editing of calendar events when using Drag Selection of time. This makes it easier to create the activity and make changes in less clicks.
    • Enhancement: Speed related enhancements when creating Transactions from Pending Properties to make it faster.
    • Fix: Corrected an issue with the Seller Report merge field which prevented the Seller Notes from displaying in the email.
    • Fix: Corrected Timestamp display issue caused by user Time Zone setting.

May 08, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added following Party Members to Properties and Transactions.
      • Copy Writer
      • Seller 3
      • Seller 4
      • Buyer 3
      • Buyer 4
    • Enhancement: When transferring a Property to a Transaction the Property Notes are now transferred.
    • Fix: Corrected issue in Workflow wizard with dependent activities.
    • Facebook friends import feature is currently unavailable due to Facebook’s recent API changes where they no longer allow access to Friends from ALL 3rd party applications.

May 06, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected Email Issues with Merge Fields – User reported that the seller report merge fields were getting filled in. The issue was only for additional email addresses that were added when sending emails.
    • Fix: Corrected Email Issue when sent from the dashboard – Some contact merge fields contained User Information instead of Contact information.
    • Fix: Corrected Google sync and email errors after adding relationship contacts.
    • Fix: Corrected Dashboard issue to prevent future activities from being shown.

May 04, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow emails with domains like .realtor, .technology for the sign-up pages.

May 02, 2015

    • Changes: Default Google Sync Tag was changed from ‘All Contacts’ to ‘System Group:My Contacts’ to prevent the mostly garbage contacts of ‘Other Contacts’ from being sync’d by default. This change will allow any contacts assigned to the ‘My Contacts’ group of Google to sync with Realvolve by default.
    • Enhancement: Automatically apply the tag “System Group: My Contacts” to new contacts if the checkbox for “Assign to My Contacts” is checked. This makes sure that new contacts are synchronized to Google when the ‘My Contacts’ are being sync’d.
    • Fix: Corrected an issue with long google notes and retain the new line tags.

Apr 30, 2015

    • Enhancement: In Contacts, user can now filter by Date Created or Date Updated.
    • Enhancement: Added “Listing Coordinator” to Property Party Members.
    • Enhancement: Added “Buyer Signed Contract Date” to Transaction Dates.
    • Enhancement: Changed time format on activity creation popup to be am/pm instead of 24 hr.
    • Improved performance of ‘Export to Google Drive’ feature.
    • Fix: Corrected issue with automatic emails being sent from assignee instead of record owner.
    • Fix: Corrected the display order of names being exported. Export now uses the same order as selected by user.
    • Fix: Corrected issue when exporting combined contacts from the TAG list. Primary/Secondary contacts were not being combined when exported.

Apr 27, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added the property address to the “location” field of Google Activities dealing with properties and transactions for activities. Since Google Tasks do not have a location field we have added the Property Address to the top of the Notes field.
    • Enhancement: Increased the field size for “summary” and “unique features” of properties.
    • Enhancement – Added property Merge Fields to templates

Apr 24, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added ‘Edit’ button to the Create Activity Popover on Calendar. This allows the user to edit or add details to the activity before it is created to speed up entry.
    • Fixed: Security related issues dealing with uploading attachments.

Apr 23, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added Property Subdivision field and Filtering options.
    • Enhancement: Added ‘Backfill’ of specific date fields in Property and Transaction when associated with appointment times. If a user changes the date/time of activities the field in the database will be updated as well.
    • Enhancement: Added more ‘Assign To’ place holders in workflow activities.
    • Enhancement: Added time-stamps to security permissions.
    • Enhancement: Added Filter to Contact Records for ‘Date Created’.
    • Fix: Property Acreage now allows decimals.
    • Fix: Corrected Week and Day View Activity issue that was preventing few users access by some users.
    • Fix: Corrected Google Sync Duplicate Activity issue.
    • Fix: Corrected email attachment issue involving multiple recipents.
    • Fix: Corrected issue which prevented special characters in notes from being sync’d with Evernote.

Apr 16, 2015

    • Enhancement: Improved Pre-rendering engine to increase display speed.
    • Fix: Corrected space issue on new user invitation and resend invitation emails.

Apr 15, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected Contact Merge issue when contact record contains no last name.
    • Fix: Corrected time zone issue when staring workflows late at night.

Apr 07, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added the relationship Anniversary date for couples to the list of dates in Workflow dates.
    • Enhancement: The Drop down list of people and dates are now listed alphabetically.
    • Enhancement: In the Import section, the drop down list of pre-assigned mapping formats are now in alphabetical order.
    • Enhancement: Added the Ability to show/hide the list of Tasks in the “All Day” section of the Calendar. Daily tasks that do not have times assigned but ARE NOT true “All Day” Day Activities can take up too much space in “All Day” area of Calendar, this feature allows you to save space by hiding the tasks.
    • Fix: The Primary MLS number now gets getting transfered from a property to a transation when the property status gets changed to “pending”.
    • Fix: Corrected the issue that caused HTML sytle settings on Tables from getting placed in the message template. This was causing borders to show on tables that were designed with no borders and detracted from the design.
    • Enhancement: Added the (Key Date) Time option when setting up “Schedule” field of a workflow Activity. Some (Key Dates) like “Photography Date”, allow for a time to be assigned. In those cases, an option like “Photography Time” will be available in the drop down to select. This tells the system to assign the time of the activity to the (Key Date) time so that When the photography time field in the database is changed then the activity will be CHANGED as well.
    • Security Fix: Corrected issue which prevents “Export Contacts” to be available as a choice when user does not have rights to export.
    • Enhancement: Added table header sorting options for Property and Transaction View All windows. Each column of the table can be sorted both Ascending and Descending.
    • Fix: Corrected minor issue with Commission calculations in Transactions.
    • Fix: Corrected display issue in seller report list – the list was not in reverse date order.
    • Enhancement: Added a “Save” button in the People tab on property and transaction when manually changing contact information to help usability.
    • Enhancement: Additional Property Party Members – ‘Sign Installer’, ‘Pre-Listing Home Inspector’ and ‘Asset Manager’.
    • Enhancement: Additional Property Dates – ‘Pre-Listing Home Inspection Date / Time’.
    • Enhancement: Added lots of additional Transaction Dates.
    • Enhancement: Transaction Sorting in the list view has been added. Users can now view the list of Transactions in the following order: [Street Name, Street Number], [Street Number, Street Name], [List Date], [Expiration Date], [Status], [Seller Name, Street Number, Street Name], [List Price], [MLS #]
    • Enhancement: Added the Showing Info to Seller Report Area. When the Seller Report type is set to Open House, Showing, Showing By Agent, Preview By Agent or Agent Tour then the Additional fields to pick a Contact, Rating (0-10), Feedback and Agent Note will be available. When picking a contact the Showing information will be shown in the Showings tab of the Contact.
    • Enhancement: Feedback and Rating fields of Showings are now included in the “Seller Report” merge fields.
    • Fix: Corrected a Date/Time issue when creating workflows late in the evening which caused activities to be assigned the next day instead of the current date. (Time Zone Issue).
    • Enhancement: Settings > Set Default Fields – Order Dates and Parties Alphabetically.

Mar 25, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added following merge fields from the Contact screen to Templates and Checklists. Contact#AnniversaryDate, Contact#BirthDate, Contact#LastCallDate, Contact#LastPersonalNoteDate, Contact#LastPersonalVisitDate, Contact#ReferredDate.
    • Enhancement: When exporting contacts to Google Drive or CSV, the option to export all contacts individually or to Combine Primary and Secondary contacts into one record allows duplicate Addresses from being exported.
      Enhancement: Added a search field for Tag Filters.
    • Enhancement: Added the ability to Filter Contacts that don’t contain selected tags using the “No” option.
    • Fixed Google sync issue for multiple owners, one contact can have same google_id as some other contact in some other account.
    • Fixed indexing issue when bulk deleting extremely large numbers of contacts.

Mar 20, 2015

      • Enhancement: Added the ability for the record owner of a property and transaction to assign ownership to another user.
      • Enhancement: Added the [[Header]] and [[Footer]] merge fields to templates.
      • Enhancement: When starting a workflow from an activity the “Choose a Contact” now defaults to the contact in the “WITH” field of the current activity.
      • Enhancement: Added tool tips to the Delete icon of “Delete Contact” or “Delete Property” or “Delete Transaction”.
      • Enhancement: Added the ability to modify tags in an action when the ‘use with’ was setup for (Transaction/Property). This means that you can now add/remove tags to the party members of a transaction or property now.
      • Enhancement: The “Start a Workflow” action now allows the user to pick the current workflow to allow a continuous loop.
      • Enhancement: Added the “Today” button below the date selection popups on date fields.
      • Enhancement: Added the automatic loading of activities as you scroll down the list.
      • Enhancement: Added the ability to “Select All Activities” in the view all screen to allow more than just the viewable records to be selected.
      • Fixed an issue with Workflows starting on the wrong date on some activities.
      • Fixed Duplicate Notes: When running an email action on an activity, the system was creating duplicate notes of the email notification sent (only 1 email was sent but 2 notes were created).


Mar 18, 2015

      • Fixed bug related to notes disappearing for one of the user.
      • Fixed “duplicate” note issue on Radar.
      • Added cancel button to close action wizard in Workflows thereby preventing it to close by document click.


Mar 12, 2015

    • Party member saving for the first time was unsuccessful when filled with all details especially newly added fields.
    • Fixed a bug – Notes added from “view all” screen was not appearing on dashboard.
    • Fixed a Zapier issue – “Contact Workflow” selection in Zapier was not showing the workflow name but it was only showing the ID.
    • Fixed a bug related to Template scrolling issue.

Mar 11, 2015

      • Feature to copy a Template.
      • Auto-Sender feature.
      • Additional filters for contacts.
      • Fixed issue related to repeated emails being sent when tokens expire for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google.
      • Use Correct Address on Party members of Properties and Transactions.
      • Relationship Feature – Auto-Update Primary/Secondary Contact details.
      • Fixed bug with commission calculations.


Mar 05, 2015

    • Remember default tab i.e. ‘Radar’ or last opened tab by User in work pane.
    • Workflows in sorted orders after search.

Mar 03, 2015

      • Feature to copy a Workflow.
      • Enhancement: Add “Record Owner” as a workflow activity “Asssign To” place holder.
      • Enhancement: When Adding an Activity to the Activity TAB – need to show the “Assign To” field for selection.


Feb 27, 2015

    • Fixed Address import issue.
    • Added more transaction date fields to import.
    • Fixed preventing saving or updating of shared mappings.

Feb 25, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added contact fields to workflow calculations (Birthday, Anniversary, Referral Date, Last Call Date, Last Personal Note, Last Personal Visit).
    • Added feature to fill individual address fields from full address field.
    • Fixed issue with editing a template when running an action.
    • Enhancement: Prevent future notes from showing on radar until today.
    • Added ‘Year’ to Workflow Calculations.
    • Enhancement: Moved all dates on property to the “Important Dates” section.
    • Enhancement: Default “Set as primary” to TRUE when entering the 1st MLS#.
    • ZAPIER Enhancement: Add the ability to assign the Record Owner.
    • Enhancement: On demand Pre-rendering for Activities section.

Feb 19, 2015

    • Fixed mark completion issues for activities.
    • Enhancement: Added Tags filters for Zapier.
    • Fixed Google Sync birthdate related issue.
    • Added Facebook Import Tag.
    • Fixed User security related issue on Properties and Transactions.

Feb 16, 2015

    • Performance improvement in UI for filters.
    • Fixed issue refreshing trash count after deletion.
    • Fixed the screen width in list view as delete action button drops to next line.

Feb 13, 2015

    • Corrected ordering of tags by not being case specific.
    • Fixes for Google Sync – contact deletion issue reported by user.
    • Corrected mailing name format on couples.

Feb 12, 2015

    • Added “My Contacts” to the list of choices for Google sync.
    • Facebook: fixed the code in facebook feeds, to check if fb_uid exists or else generate it.
    • Removed validation for “Last Name”.
    • Fixed Activity Dates that do not seem to be getting updated when the associated date field is changed.
    • Added Login validation for cancelled accounts.
    • Fixed critical sentry issues for Date Fields.

Feb 07, 2015

    • Added new Property Date fields and Transactions Party members fields.

Feb 03, 2015

      • Improved message for contact bulk delete from “view all” screen and other related messages for Tags and Notes.
      • Enhancement: Allow upto 20 groups (workflow functions) in workflow screen.


Jan 30, 2015

    • Fixed commission calculation.
    • Performance improvements for Dashboard notes and activities.
    • Performance improvements for recently viewed items on Dashboard.

Jan 23, 2015

    • Property Status change actions for creating Transactions.
    • Default Start Time 7AM for date-time fields.
    • Enhanced Transaction screen.