Dec 28, 2017


    • Detect and set time zone when signing up
    • Invited Sub-Users will be assigned same time zone as Account Owner


    • Corrected small UI issue with Contact Source widget
    • Improved activities performance

Dec 27, 2017


    • Set Property/Transaction street address as a loop name when creating a DotLoop connection and DO NOT update the loop name after created or when connecting to an existing loop.  This allows user to have any DotLoop loop name they prefer and Realvolve will not overwrite.

Dec 22, 2017


    • Added API connections for Property and Transaction filters for mobile application


    • Corrected template spacing issues when using copy/paste

Dec 21, 2017


    • Several performance enhancements for scheduled email activities

Dec 20, 2017


    • Corrected sign-in using LinkedIn
    • Better Google map API connections
    • Corrected team reporting commission values

Dec 19, 2017


    • Realvolve uses the contact cross section to display groups of contacts where the status and stage intersect. This identifies which stage of Aware, Know, Like or Trust each contact is in with relation to their contact status.   Each intersecting square in the heat map displays the number of contacts in the groups and uses drill down capabilities to view additional details on the contacts.  The contact cross section has two separate views which can be changed by clicking on the filter option in the upper right corner.  The filtered view is used to identify which contacts should personally called or visited right away, the unfiltered view shows the overall count of contacts in the database. (SEE VIDEO)

Dec 18, 2017


    • Added ‘Internal Sales Associate’ role for ‘Assign To’ field of workflow activity. – Selected role adds selected user’s contact record as a party member.
    • Added popup warning for users exporting emails under notes & correspondence – such data causes problems in excel due to field size.

Dec 14, 2017


    • Prevent Google Sync Contact failures that occur due to special characters
    • Notes are now truncated to 100KB for each contact before sync – this is to avoid contact sync failures where data size exceeds 128KB

Dec 13, 2017


    • Do not list locked users when using the Switch User feature

Dec 06, 2017


    • You can now “Hide” completed activities from the week view or day view of the main calendar.
    • When a new Dotloop is created for a property/transaction a message will display if the connection process is still in progress to prevent users from trying to make another loop.
    • New Dotloop loops are automatically sync’d the first time to prevent extra clicks.
    • Added checks to prevent duplicate of contacts when disconnecting and reconnecting loops


    • Corrected popover menu alignment for Alternate workflows started from the dashboard.

Dec 05, 2017


    • Twitter enhancement: Increased character limit from 140 to 280 for entire application
    • Twitter issue corrected on Reply form.


    • Corrected spinner icon from showing in Activities list of dashboard.

Dec 04, 2017



    • Corrected a minor UI issue when previewing a twitter message template.

Nov 29, 2017


    • Corrected issue to allow deletion of contact filters that have leading or trailing spaces in name

Nov 28, 2017


Nov 27, 2017


    • Added Category and Field Automations – This allows automatic updates of several fields including Contact Type, Stage and Status.

Nov 22, 2017



    • Corrected issue when sending sms and email messages from activity actions immediately

Nov 20, 2017


    • Corrected Contact Type filter problem which prevented contacts from being displayed correctly.

Nov 16, 2017


    • Corrected issue with New Email tab where email was not getting sent to pre-populated email address in TO field of any email address where TO field is replaced.

Nov 13, 2017


    • Added “Reauthorization” link for email user’s that show a “closed” status on email connections.

Nov 10, 2017


    • Prevent repeating activities from getting indexed with individual indexing process to speed up indexing process for other data.

Nov 09, 2017


    • Corrected issue causing the [PREVIEW] button on emails from showing when selecting a template.
    • Improved performance on Google Syncing tag selection.

Nov 06, 2017


    • Corrected issue causing contact notes created through Google to RV sync for new contacts from getting displayed correctly.

Nov 01, 2017


    • Track email response time of each contact
    • Confirmation popup before note deletion
    • Filter for Propinquity Score (Relationship Scoring)
    • Removed note max length of 2000 characters – no limit on notes.

Oct 31, 2017


    • Added confirmation popup message before note deletion on Dashboard
    • Contact Filter on Relationship Score changed to total Propinquity points
    • Removed max note length of 2000 characters

Oct 26, 2017


    • Corrected YTD transaction count of “Team Reporting Widget”
    • Reduced delay in scheduling of dependent activities from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • Minor correction on Global Search field to display loader correctly.

Oct 25, 2017


    • Never ending Repeating Activities now automatically created with 730 occurrences (same as Google )

Oct 24, 2017


    • Removed AddressReport icons from UI as well as Back-End (Depreciated)


    • Added PREVIEW ICON for message templates on workflow Actions


    • Corrected Lifetime Values of Zero values to be automatically set to NULL (Nothing)

Oct 12, 2017


    • Enabled “Referral” link in SETTINGS > INTEGRATONS

Oct 11, 2017


    • Calendar Popup Enhancements: We’ve added a description field which is shown on the popup along with contact phone numbers and 3 most recent notes at the bottom.
    • CSV Import – Added the Lifetime Value field to the available list of import fields.

Oct 10, 2017


    • Corrected notes display issue when imported from a zap so that new line characters were being ignored.

Oct 05, 2017


    • Corrected issue causing Graphs to not show on dashboard.

Oct 04, 2017


    • Start Workflow Email – Subject and Body Modification to include workflow name and subdomain
    • Performance improvements on tags


    • Fixed IDXBroker tag issue
    • Rounding issue on fFactor
    • Corrected Tag permissions for Account Owners

Sep 27, 2017


    • When a Zapier contact comes in without a name the system will now assign the name of “Unknown Contact” instead of sending a Zapier Error.


    • Zapier – Assign correct google phone type for new contacts.

Sep 25, 2017

Performance Improvements:

    • Fixed spikes due to Profile picture uploads which caused some slowdowns.
    • Property and Transaction Filters – perform faster.
    • Contact Filter speed improvements and unsaved filter confirmation popup that filters will be lost if they changed screens.



    • CSS Style issues on Emails
    • Corrected copy workflow option based on security rights
    • Fixed extra spacing in Email notes.

Sep 21, 2017


    • Performance improvements when retrieving tag list for an account

Sep 19, 2017


    • File uploads for Message templates


    • Corrected Average totals for Average Fields for Team Reporting Widget
    • Corrected Rebuild full address after backfilling address from Geo-Coder
    • Corrected Backfill street number field in street number field instead of putting it into street address using address splitter after Google Sync
    • Corrected Transaction YTD volume for Team Reporting Stats
    • Corrected Commission calculation for Pipeline Volume Graph


    • Logging added for workflow Stops

Sep 18, 2017


    • Major Ease of Use/Speed improvements on left navigation pane – Previous to this update the left pane was being changed when the right side changed – this update prevents the left pane from changing when links are clicked which opens the right side pane.


    • Corrected Team Reporting widget – break longer header names for team report in two lines
    • Corrected property field width on Transaction’s Property tab
    • Notes on future activities
    • Assign current user as creator when creating message templates
    • Corrected issue for inconsistent Facebook and LinkedIn links
    • Fix issue for loading files in files tab of enhanced editor file upload for message templates

Sep 15, 2017


    • Corrected Search Tip popup on higher resolution screens
    • Corrected alignment issues on attachments

Sep 14, 2017


    • Added a (?) icon to the search field when no text is entered.  Clicking this icon opens a pop-up window with search suggestions for using the wild-card characters of Asterisk ” * ” or Question Mark ” ? “.

Sep 13, 2017


    • Performance improvements to Google Sync. (Includes some fixes)

Sep 12, 2017


    • Corrected Tag Delete issues on Workflows, Templates and Activities.


Sep 07, 2017


    • ‘Search’ feature – This change allows attachment notes to be searchable.

Sep 05, 2017


    • Corrected Note issue which caused some users to see spinners in Notes and Correspondence instead of showing the notes.

Sep 04, 2017


    • A few months ago we changed how inbound SMS messages from unknown contacts were handled.  Prior to that update, SMS messages were basically lost if the sender was not a contact in the database.  To prevent this loss, we decided to create a contact named “Unknown Contact” with the associated SMS number.  Realvolve then notifies the user with a link to the newly added contact.   The challenge was that all automation stoped there.  The user must lookup the contact and do all communication manually.  As a result we decided to add another feature update which was released on Sept 4th.   From SETTINGS > SMS SERVICES you can now assign a workflow to start when an Unknown Contact is created.See Video Here:
    • We’ve added these options in the SETTINGS .. EMAILS section: •Email Notification For Start Workflow – allows notifications to be sent when workflows are successfully started or when a failure has occurred. Since workflows are started in the background and large workflows can take extra time show up in your calendar, the notification lets you know when that process is complete. •Email Notification for Incoming Email – allows notifications to be sent when incoming realvolve emails are received. This notification prevents emails from getting overlooked however some users prefer not to receive the notification.See Video Here:


    • Corrected issue with Checklist merge fields inserting HTML code instead of merge-field values.
    • Corrected issue with creating SMS correspondence notes if the Account is inactive or user has been deleted.

Sep 01, 2017


    • Made changes to ensure that notes were visible faster after being created.

Aug 30, 2017


    • Performance increase to mobile app activities
    • Improved tag loading on mobile app
    • Added the ability to add multiple contacts to the “With” field of an Activity
    • Added Contact Type to the contact screen
    • Added several Visual Improvements to the mobile app screens to prepare for next round of updates to allow filters.See Video Here:

Aug 24, 2017


    • Added “Cancel” button to all Party Member data entry forms to close the form and ignore changes if needed.

Aug 23, 2017


    • Corrected issue with editing Property/Transaction address which caused an infinite loading problem.
    • Corrected issue with validation errors not being shown when adding an incorrect email address in Party Members.


Aug 17, 2017


    • Corrected Transaction Date field formats to use “MM-DD-YYYY” by  default.
    • Corrected note issue when importing “Referred By” from CSV file.

Aug 16, 2017


    • Added Party Members “Administrator” and “Virtual Assistant” to Property and Transaction screen.