Nov 5th, 2020


Oct 21st, 2020


  • Website validation – This allows users to add their links to Realvolve fields without showing an error.
  • Corrected visual bug in Google Drive
  • Corrected display issue on tasks list of active filters
  • Corrected Google Calendar Sync issue due to deprecated google function.

Sept 28th, 2020

System Update:

  • Data Storage – Improved Data Storage for increased speed, reliability and stability.

Aug 10th, 2020


  • Notes – Corrected issue preventing Activity Notes from showing on individual Contact/Property/Transaction notes tab.
  • Property/Transaction Date Filters – Corrected issue when start/ending dates are the same.  Searching a single date would not return the correct list of records.

July 22nd, 2020


  • Mobile App Changes
    • Added the ability to store the contact list locally to help speed up the display of contacts after they have been retrieved the first time.
    • Contact list refreshes automatically every 2 hours or use Pull to Refresh
    • Added Pull to Refresh to Contacts, Properties and Transactions.

June 23rd, 2020


  • Mobile App Changes
    • Custom Filters in Contacts, Properties and Transactions
    • Keep Filter settings until cleared
    • Search Notes
    • Search Party Members of a Property or Transaction
    • Edit Emails before Sending
    • Send Templated Emails via Realvolve or Device Email
    • Send SMS to Party Members of a Property or Transaction
    • Added SETTINGS option to “Stay Logged In”
    • Added “Showing Instructions” information in the Private Details screen of Properties
    • Corrected Login Issues due to Upper/Lower Case and Special Characters
    • Added Dark Mode changes

June 8th, 2020


  • Corrected image display when printing a template to a PDF instead of an empty box.
  • Corrected Potential Volume reporting in Volume Reporting Widget .
  • Corrected an issue caused when creating a new workflow activity without an activity type.
  • Corrected a display issue when clicking the new “Copy as a property address” button on a contact’s address.  Button would create a new property, but didn’t create the appropriate infrastructure records to list the property on any of the Realvolve Dashboard pages, including but not limited to the properties page or its sidebar.

May 8th, 2020


  • Added the ability to create a property listing from the Home Address of a contact as well as Additional Addresses including 2nd -5th Home.
  • Added the ability to EXPORT 2nd-5th home information to a CSV file.
  • Added the ability to EXPORT  “Current Address” information which looks at the occupied date range to decide which address home, 2nd-5th should be used.
  • Added the ability to IMPORT 2nd-5th home information from a CSV file.


  • When selecting a default Google Drive from Settings > Google Sync – you can now pick from Shared folders using the checkbox option above the list of folders.
  • Corrected the SMS problems preventing users from sending messages.

April 28th, 2020


  • Google Drive Sync: Corrected issues with some folders not displaying in My Drive.
  • Commission Calculations:  Corrected commission reporting in dashboard widgets to accurately display when dealing with both Listing Side and Buying Side.

April 23rd, 2020


  • Google Drive Sync: Added the ability to access SHARED folders on Google Drive to assist teams.

March 13th, 2020

Mobile App Released:

February 23rd, 2020


  • New Chat feature on to help users and support staff.

January 23rd, 2020

Beta Release:

  • New Mobile App :
    • Manage contacts i.e. Add, Update, Delete contacts. Keep contacts in sync with your Realvolve account
    • Manage notes for Contacts, Properties and Transactions
    • View and track Email notes
    • View Properties Listings, Showing Info and Party Members
    • View Transactions and People information
    • Search Contacts, Properties and Transactions
    • Manage calendar appointments and tasks.