Oct 31, 2017


    • Added confirmation popup message before note deletion on Dashboard
    • Contact Filter on Relationship Score changed to total Propinquity points
    • Removed max note length of 2000 characters

Oct 26, 2017


    • Corrected YTD transaction count of “Team Reporting Widget”
    • Reduced delay in scheduing of depenent activities from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • Minor correction on Global Search field to display loader correctly.

Oct 25, 2017


    • Never ending Repeating Activities now automatically created with 730 occurrences (same as Google )

Oct 24, 2017


      • Removed AddressReport icons from UI as well as Back-End (Depreciated)


      • Added PREVIEW ICON for message templates on workflow Actions


    • Corrected Lifetime Values of Zero values to be automatically set to NULL (Nothing)

Oct 12, 2017


    • Enabled “Referral” link in SETTINGS > INTEGRATONS

Oct 11, 2017


    • Calendar Popup Enhancements: We’ve added a description field which is shown on the popup along with contact phone numbers and 3 most recent notes at the bottom.  https://help.realvolve.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005154903
    • CSV Import – Added the Lifetime Value field to the available list of import fields.

Oct 10, 2017


    • Corrected notes display issue when imported from a zap so that new line characters were being ignored.

Oct 05, 2017


    • Corrected issue causing Graphs to not show on dashboard.

Oct 04, 2017


      • Start Workflow Email – Subject and Body Modification to include workflow name and subdomain
      • Performance improvements on tags


    • Fixed IDXBroker tag issue
    • Rounding issue on fFactor
    • Corrected Tag permissions for Account Owners

Oct 24, 2016


    • Prevented property status change on IDX Broker update.

Oct 20, 2016


    • Prevent AddressReport icon from being available when feature is off.
    • Minor Zapier issues.

Oct 19, 2016


    • AddressReport Integration – Phase 1 (Invitations)
    • Improved merge field validation performance in Template editor.
    • Allow ‘+’ character in email address for Settings > My Account and User & Permissions

Oct 17, 2016


    • Zapier Round Robin feature allows record owner assignments to leads.
    • Increased field length of the APN field.

Oct 13, 2016


    • Increased SQFT field to allow larger values.

Oct 12, 2016


      • NEW API for adding contacts to Realvolve.


    • Corrected property and escrow search issue.

Oct 10, 2016


    • Added better failure status message for CSV import failure due to bad data.
    • Better price filter/sort options for Properties and Transactions.

Oct 05, 2016


    • Corrected issue where contact tasks were not searchable after being restored from trash.
    • Corrected error on email notifications for deleted contacts.

Oct 03, 2016


    • Added new option in ‘With’ field to assign the contact in the ‘Assign To’ field.  This allows users to be notified by email or SMS text message.
    • Added option to delete MLS Number from a property.

Oct 28, 2015

    • Change: From this point forward emails will be sent using user’s email id instead of via Realvolve for all non yahoo email ids. Yahoo email ids will continue to have via Realvolve for now. Note: This change in From email ids for all non yahoo users has potential to fail for email ids or domains that are blocked which we will need to whitelist one by one based the issues reported by users.

Oct 28, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue with starting workflows with a very large number of tasks.
    • Change: Added confirmation popup to prevent Activities from being deleted from Google when reinstating google sync.

Oct 23, 2015

    • Fix: Prevent contact from being selected when typing in the People tab to add a contact and the user presses TAB key.

Oct 16, 2015

    • Fix: Show selected contact on seller report tab of a property and link for quick access.  If no contact selected then show record owner without link.

Oct 15, 2015

    • Enhancement: Added a Reauthorization feature for Google and Evernote – to help users reauthorize and update their integration tokens without disconnecting and reconnecting which led to issues like duplicates and missing links.
    • Fix: Corrected Search on Party Members in the People tab based on record ownership.  The system was only allowing the contacts for the primary record owner to be viewed.

Oct 14, 2015

    • Enhancement: Allow Admin users to access team details in settings > my account
    • Fix: Corrected issue for Assignee of activity when sending emails, sms and twitter messages.  Copied workflow actions were not getting completed by the correct person when copied.
    • Fix: Several workflow related issues including recalculation failure, no date entered, current year recalculation, circular recalculations.
    • Fix: Backfill of transaction dates.
    • Fix: Corrected indexing of Relationship Anniversary Date to allow proper search.

Oct 09, 2015

    • Fix: Corrected issue preventing the data for merge field [[Property#Mls_Url]] from working correctly.

Oct 08, 2015

    • Enhancement: Speed improvements on Propinquity scoring.
    • Fix: Notifications on radar when sending SMS fails.
    • Fix: Duplication issue on Ambassador URL preventing new user logins.

Oct 07, 2015

    • Enhancement: Upgraded servers for improved performance and reliability.

Oct 01, 2015

    • Enhancement: Send email to the user when workflow package is approved.
    • Enhancement: Improved code to increase performance for Emails.
    • Fix: sentry error when Signature template is deleted or its body is nil.
    • Fix: ‘mark email read’ issue when navigating from email preview pane.
    • Fix: Open default radar tab for Realvolve contact. When moving from a normal contact last open tab ‘Email’ to RV contact – UI does not show email tab on that contact.